In the past, we’ve covered Minecraft shaders that include new and improved or otherwise updated textures, however, in this particular Star Wars resource pack for Minecraft, we won’t actually be looking at any new shaders.

Introducing: ChronoKiller’s Star Wars texture pack for Minecraft PC and the Star Wars DLC for Minecraft Bedrock! Star Wars and Minecraft are two extremely popular “nerd culture” staples, so it makes a lot of sense that a modder would eventually think to combine the two, and the results of this experiment have been quite successful so far. If you’re reading this article, then we’ve got just the droids you’ve been looking for! If what we just said about droids there is confusing, that was just a little Star Wars humor for you, an old meme that we can all relate to about how difficult it can be to find droids one has misplaced or otherwise forgotten about entirely.